Terminal Network Plugin

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Network address is any network numeric IP or name, followed by an optional colon, followed by a port number or service name.

Examples: mit.edu:daytime, ftp.cdrom.com:21,

TCP [network address] This makes an outgoing connection to a TCP port.  Standard format for addresses - IP:port.  If port is not specified, the default port is telnet.

example: /parse tcp blackmud.com:2000

Typically this device is used to make a data connection.  Although there may one day exist a server which would be able to issue commands to the Nexus command channel, this does not exist today... therefore "/command tcp" has little use.

TCPSERVER [network address] This instructs the object to listen at the specified address.  If the IP portion is omitted, all available IPs listen at the specified port.  When an object with a TCPSERVER is connected to, the object is duplicated, and a /accept command is issued.  Since this command is not an internal command, it is assumed that it is a macro. If a macro does not exist, the connection is made regardless.

example: /command tcpserver 3245

This device is typically used to serve command data channels to connecting telnet clients.  Although, /parse TCPSERVER 2352, can be useful also, using /GetLine %line and /Execute %line, essentially resembles a direct command path...

UDP [network address] This opens an outgoing UDP connection to the specified address...

example: /parse UDP domain.com:daytime

No further comment at this time...

UDPSERVER [network address] This opens a port to listen for incoming UDP datagrams. When a message is received, the IP and PORT prefix data coming from the connection.  /GetIP and /getport extended commands are used to retrieve this data into Nexus-readable, or human readable format.
Additional Commands
SEND [zero or more atoms] Send the data to the current data channel connection. This is used for PARSE type device opens only.  If the command entered is not undestood, it is not an internal, macro, or plugin extended command, the command is forwarded to the data channel for output. GETADDR [message] Pull the network IP address from a message.  Used when dealing with UDPSERVER devices... GETIP [message] GETPORT [message] HTTP [operation] [variable] [address] For now the only operation permitted is GET.  This will go to the address and return the page content into the variable.  Each of the header fields will be returned, followed by the page data. The page data will be binary data, and each of the header fields will be text variables. PING [network address] Ping a network address, return timing of responce from the server pinged. TRACE [network address] Displays a list of the nodes between the issuing computer and the destination address. PORTSCAN [network address] Attempts to connect to the first 2000 ports at the network address specified.  Returns a list of ports which accepted a connection.  No data is transmitted or received upon connection. WHOIS [domain name] Looks up information about the specified domain name.